Please note I write this a parent and what I have chosen for my family and suggestion or recommendations should be thoroughly researched.
Many of us parents in Fluvanna are being asked to sign a form to have the H1N1 Shot given at school. There have been many question and concerns regarding this and I think it is good for us as parents to question the safety and efficacy of what we do for our kids.
Personally I have chosen not to have my children immunized, This after many months of research and information that I have reviewed.
I have stated on my Facebook page at Lauterbach Chiropractic and blog for many months about how prevention is the key to staying healthy.
Children should be getting proper rest, avoiding sugar, washing hands and most importantly if you child is sick do not let them go to school and do not let them go back to early as they will be prone to secondary infections.
I have done a lot of research on Vitamin D: the recommended dosage for children is only 400 units, My children take 1500 - 2000 day, especially now. You can google Vitamin D council for more info.
Vitamin c, zinc, echinachea (root) are all good and you should invest in good quality brands with little or no sugar added. If a child has signs of the Flu natural elderberry has been shown to be more effective than Tamiflu.
It is tragic when children die, most anyone that has died from H1N1 has had some type of immuno-compromising disease such as: cerebral palsy, MS, etc.
In a recent interview with Dr. Oz (you can google that to) it was on CNN. Dr. Oz went on to say that he had to get the shot because of mandates from his Job, but his wife and children would not be getting it.... I think that speaks volumes!
Also check out for more info.
I don't think I am afraid of the Immunization as much as I am afraid of the hysteria surrounding it. After 18 years surrounded by natural health care, I have a deep conviction that a weakened immune systems gets people sick...
Lastly I struggle with these decisions just as much as most parents do. I do believe that proper nutrition, rest, and yes chiropractic adjustments are your best defense against weakened immunity.
Again do your research and make the best choice you feel comfortable with!
God Bless...
P.s. This is for informational purposes only I am not your Dr.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
COLD & FLU SEASON - Time to Prepare!

Cold and Flu Season Survival
Revision C
Preparation is the KEY…
Even though the weather is still warm, you can feel that fall is in the air and winter, not too far behind. Now is the time to prepare your body… your immune system for the temperature variations and stresses of the fall and winter months. Our hurried, stressful lives don’t often allow time for proper eating habits and proper rest. The job, home and family related stresses, coupled with colder temperatures have a taxing effect on an already compromised immune system. We are insidiously more vulnerable to the nasty cold or flu bugs that pervade this season. Many of us will wait… We won’t do anything until we get sick. Some of us who are sick will still push ourselves until we get secondary infections (upper respiratory, sinus…) from the initial cold or flu virus that started it all. Then, it’s a trip to the doctor… antibiotics…etc…
Start now ! It’s now time to get started on strengthening your immune system and reduce your risk of the initial colds, flu’s and secondary infections from a run-down immune system. There are some key natural substances and herbals that can quickly improve immune function. And… if you do contract a cold or flu, there are some key nutrients you can add to speed up your recovery, and reduce your risk of secondary infection. Remember to keep these on hand at home in your Natural Medicine Cabinet, especially during the cold and flu season !
Immune System Building/Illness Prevention Program :
Catalyn Multi Vitamin This is basis for providing the building blocks of immune and general health. 1 tablet 2 – 3X/day for children 2 tablets 2 – 3X/day adults Use long-term.
Immuplex Immune System Support This is used to help build all aspects of the immune system. 2 capsules 3X/day for 30 days. Then use at first sign of cold/flu or illness.
Echinacea Premium This is one of the most important herbs for promoting immune health and response to infection. Echinacea can be taken all year long for those of us who seem to get sick frequently or easily, or it can be taken throughout the cold/flu season for those of us who are normally healthy. 1 tablet/day for children 2 tablets/day for adults (Caution : don’t take if allergic to daisy family or if pregnant)
Astragalus Complex This is a great product for those who have chronic immune system depletion, which can often happen in the elderly or chronically ill. 1 tablet 3X/day for adults
Note : Discontinue during acute infection or fever. (Caution : don’t use if allergic to daisy family) This product may be used long-term.
Keep products listed below at home so you can use them immediately !
*Acute Infections, Colds/Flu :
Andrographis Complex This is one of the most powerful herbal formulas for acute infections and colds/flu’s. This should be kept on the shelf and taken immediately at the onset of the infection to increase effectiveness and speed up recovery. (Caution : don’t take if allergic to daisy family or if pregnant)
1 tablet 2 –3X/day for children 2 tablets 2 – 3X/day for adults Take for 7 – 14 days.
*Congaplex Breaks up congestion and works very well alone, or synergistically with Andrographis Complex to help stimulate the immune system. 3 capsules 3 – 4X/day adults
*Chewable Congaplex 1 – 2 tablets 3X/day for children Take for 7 – 14 days.
*Thymex This product works very well alone, or synergistically with Andrographis Complex to help stimulate the immune system. It should be taken immediately alone or with Andrographis Complex at the onset of infection to increase effectiveness and speed up recovery.
1- 2 tablets with each meal. Take for 7 – 14 days.
Sore, or Scratchy Throat : Usually a sign of a cold or flu coming on or an infection.
MediHerb Herbal Throat Spray This is a great product to help soothe scratchy or sore throats. It is pleasant tasting, and is also useful for strained vocal cords. Also helps restore mucous membranes in the throat, promotes oral health and supports the immune system.
4-sprays into the mouth/throat every 1 –2 hours…
*Upper Respiratory Congestion :
*Congaplex Helps break up congestion. 3 capsules 3 – 4X/day adults
*Chewable Congaplex 1 –3 tablets 3X/day for children Take for 7 – 14 days.
*Broncafect Tablets Helps with acute bronchitis or flu with cough
2 tablets 3 – 4X/day adults
(Caution : don’t use in high blood pressure, water retention, low potassium, allergy to daisy family or pregnancy) Take for 7 – 14 days.
*Sinus Infections :
In addition to Andrographis Complex…
Golden Seal 1 tablet 3 – 4X/day adults (Caution : don’t use in high blood pressure or pregnancy) Take for 7 – 14 days or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
*For other symptoms or conditions, consult with your healthcare practitioner. Or, if you have a sustained high fever over 24 hours, consult your physician.
*The dietary supplement products mentioned in this document are not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease," because only a drug can legally make such a claim.
Courtesy Of Standard Process.
Dr. Lauterbach
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