Hope you had a great Christmas & are ready for a new year! This time of year We get lot's of questions regarding Acupuncture for smoking, weight loss & other addictions.
It is a great procedure to help ease cravings and helps to decrease the stress & tension associated with coming off any habit forming substance. It will not miraculously cure you. Without effort on your part it will actually be useless.
We screen our clients carefully, any person with drug or alcohol addictions must be receiving standard medical counseling & receive a referral from that provider, this is not a law but a requirement of our office.
We utilize Auriculotherapy, Ear acupuncture points stimulated electronically (no needles) We also advise on proper nutrition to balance & relax the nervous system most notably amino acids.
I have attached information regarding Auriculotherapy. http://www.auriculotherapy.com/faqs.html
Please understand: We do not treat addictions! We offer a complimentary program to standard medical care & balance and Relax the nervous system.
We would be happy to answer any questions You may Have! Here is to A great New You!
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