Monday, October 12, 2009

Emergency Post H1N1

Please note I write this a parent and what I have chosen for my family and suggestion or recommendations should be thoroughly researched.

Many of us parents in Fluvanna are being asked to sign a form to have the H1N1 Shot given at school. There have been many question and concerns regarding this and I think it is good for us as parents to question the safety and efficacy of what we do for our kids.

Personally I have chosen not to have my children immunized, This after many months of research and information that I have reviewed.

I have stated on my Facebook page at Lauterbach Chiropractic and blog for many months about how prevention is the key to staying healthy.

Children should be getting proper rest, avoiding sugar, washing hands and most importantly if you child is sick do not let them go to school and do not let them go back to early as they will be prone to secondary infections.

I have done a lot of research on Vitamin D: the recommended dosage for children is only 400 units, My children take 1500 - 2000 day, especially now. You can google Vitamin D council for more info.

Vitamin c, zinc, echinachea (root) are all good and you should invest in good quality brands with little or no sugar added. If a child has signs of the Flu natural elderberry has been shown to be more effective than Tamiflu.

It is tragic when children die, most anyone that has died from H1N1 has had some type of immuno-compromising disease such as: cerebral palsy, MS, etc.

In a recent interview with Dr. Oz (you can google that to) it was on CNN. Dr. Oz went on to say that he had to get the shot because of mandates from his Job, but his wife and children would not be getting it.... I think that speaks volumes!

Also check out for more info.

I don't think I am afraid of the Immunization as much as I am afraid of the hysteria surrounding it. After 18 years surrounded by natural health care, I have a deep conviction that a weakened immune systems gets people sick...

Lastly I struggle with these decisions just as much as most parents do. I do believe that proper nutrition, rest, and yes chiropractic adjustments are your best defense against weakened immunity.

Again do your research and make the best choice you feel comfortable with!

God Bless...

P.s. This is for informational purposes only I am not your Dr.

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